CNC Punching
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We Offer High speed CNC Punching services in sheet sizes of 2540X1270 mm & thickness upto 3 mm through 19 tool stations which can accomate upto a maximum of 190 tools.Our Punching machine offers various possibilities of Punching in the third dimension. Different possibilities are listed below & depicted in work piece samples. Obviously these forms will need specific toolings to your form requirements.
Third Dimensional Possibilities In Punching Process
- Multi-Bends
- Upward and Downward Forming
- Continuous Louvers
- Tapping
- Tapping on Extrusions
- Roller Beading
- Roller Cutting
- Roller Deburring
- Roller Offsetting
- Hinges
- Flanges & Bridges
- Knock-outs
- Chamfering